Figuring out how to monetize your startup is one of the most important aspects for all startup companies. How are you planning to make a business of your idea? And how is it going to earn money? 25 Monetization Tactics Without further ado, here are…
My questions and concerns quickly answered either immediately or within 2 business days. I was in the beta group and they are continually improving their product.
We like customers to be able to contact us any way they like. Gist helps with this. And if we happen to need to respond via email, we can do that as well.
Larry L Director - Management Consulting Small-Business
We mainly used it for From a non-programmer kind of view it's very satisfying to get to install it and use it without any hassle. Also, their support team is really helpful and efficient.
Suganthan M Digital Marketing Consultant - Small-Business
Easiness to assign conversations to different members, the possibility to snooze chats until a later time and the information in the side bar, helping.