You’ll never succeed in marketing if you continue to embrace the past without looking forward to the future. In essence, you need to constantly look where you think the puck is going instead of sitting back and hoping the puck will come to you. The…
Gist provides endless ways of interacting with customers. I can chat and email with them, track their usage on my site, qualify them, add tags and other profile information, and so much more. There is even an awesome... Read full review
Tristin R Multipurpose Utility Tool - Small Business
Gist makes it super easy for my website visitors to chat with my team live and their mobile app is perfect for connecting on the go!
Blake B Owner - Marketing and Advertising Small-Business
Loving the integration in one place. Normally I will need to use other third party tools to integrate the communication and data from chat bot to live chat to email marketing and sales automation. Now.. I only use Gist. I... Read full review
Jimmy C CEO - Small-Business
It is not a difficult tool so everyone can use it. It gives you a great opportunity to stat a funnel for the first time
We use the chat feature the most it has increased our engagement and retention by allowing us to respond to website visitors in realtime or within the next day. The chat rules create an engaging prompt for visitors.... Read full review
Paul H Founder - Small-Business
That they develop the tool steadily. The support is amazing. If there is any problem, they try to help as best as they can. I’m very impressed by how the tool developed since I got it.