The best digital marketing blogs for information, opinions, and tips:
- BBC Academy: Good practical ‘how to’ tutorials on subjects such as shooting and editing short-form videos on your smartphone.
- Contently: The go-to blog for content marketing and strategy articles.
- Copyblogger: An essential resource for bloggers and writers.
- Harvard Business Review: High-quality editorial from one of the top business schools in the world.
- Kissmetrics: One of the best resources for analytic tools and digital marketing metrics. The infographics are especially good!
- Linkedin Marketing Blog: Linkedin is pivoting from a being the place to dump your CV/ resume to the premier business networking platform.
- Moz: Do you want to get good search engine positions for your website/blog? Of course you do! Moz is a great resource for the basics of SEO and learning how to improve your search engine rankings.
- Seth Godin: I generally stay away from marketing ‘gurus’, but Seth has walked the walk for a long time. His posts are easy to read and always contain a few gems of marketing advice.
- Scribe: This blog by leading social media marketers, Social Chain, has good stuff relating to the millennial social media landscape.
- Think with Google: Nobody has data like Google has data. So if you are looking for data driven insights for your digital marketing plans, this is an essential site to follow.
About: Paul Henderson has developed content marketing strategies for companies including Bloomberg and Microsoft. You can read more articles relating to digital marketing on [his blog….]